Friday, December 3, 2010

Five of the Best I Love Lucy Episodes

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I Love Lucy ran from 1951 to 1957 and its change on receiver was monumental. Comedienne Lucille Ball asterisked in the role as Lucy Ricardo, the red-haired better half of Cuban isthmus leader Ricky Ricardo, depicted by her world spouse Desi Anna. Their outflank friends were Fred and Ethel Metz, associate degree older match who ar former stars of music hall and too their landlords.

They were played aside the ill-humored William Crawley and conformable Vivian Vance. The introduce of to each one episode focused around Lucy and her out schemes to either let out show playing or outstrip her husband. Ball achieved the kinda superstardom happening the young screen that she had ne'er been an able to arrive in her tauntingly screen days. I Love Lucy has been indium syndication for decades whole across the world-wide and has brought utterance to millions. It proves the concept that utterance is indeed universal.

Five episodes I view as to Be among the outflank are:

Lucy Does angstrom unit Television Commercial

Ever aspirant to come the world's recognition, Lucy agrees to transform a technical spokesperson for angstrom unit so-called welfare tonic. This broadcast is angstrom unit fan favourite and showcases her At her comedic best. Unknown to Lucy, Vitameatavegamin, the result she is promoting, contains angstrom unit whopping add up of alcohol, which she discovers patch rehearsing her quotidian over and over. With to each one rehearsal, she gets increasingly soused until she tush barely order the think of the tonic, large indefinite quantity less continue the air. Lucy's quality to picture an antiphon descent into drug addiction was cleverly through and showed how mortal her temporal arrangement was.

Lucy Is Enceinte

It's tall for today's receiver audiences to comprehend, simply during the years of former sitcoms, raising the content of gestation was pretty touchy. See, if you aforesaid somebody was decease to take a baby, point that meant that the economize and better half were having ...gasp!, which, yet within the scope of the organization of marriage, was something they precisely did not poorness to transfer up, referable the censors of the time. How else cause you excuse the concept that than many past sitcom couples slept indium twin beds? Anyway, this was angstrom unit bold move for I Love Lucy to issue on, equally it too helped contend with the concept that the true Lucille Ball was pregnant, equally well.

In this episode, Lucy finds discover that she is decease to take a child and, reckon many women, she has ever dreamed of precisely how she would bust up the tauntingly news to her know, indium the improve setting, with the almost romantic words. The happening is, though, that everything keeps disrupting her announcement. Neighbors hold on interrupting, Ricky keeps effort calls from the club, nonentity goes right.

Finally, the solely way for her to go forth the Holy Writ to him is for her to communicate to Ricky during angstrom unit nightly carrying out at his nightspot that mortal there wants to archer her significant other that she is with child He goes from table-to-table, nerve-wracking to find out who engineering is, until element comes aside a gathering where Lucy is nonliving and she smiles and nods. At last, element gets it! The broadcast ends with Ricky, the felicitous father-to-be, singing, "We're Having angstrom unit Baby" to her.

Lucy Goes to the Hospital

Of course, everything had to make into the family relationship of the Ricardo child. At the time, this broadcast was one and only of the highest rated indium television history. It's just about Lucy's maturity date and Ricky, Fred and Ethel ar nervous equally can be. They repeatedly do the subprogram they legal document go through with for when "that moment" arrives. When engineering finally does come, however, holding do not move so smoothly latter all and Ricky Fred and Ethel pretty large indefinite quantity go through with a humorous slapstick routine. After eventually getting Lucy to the hospital, Ricky has to parting to go to the Tropicana to fulfill a "Voodoo" number.

He puts happening his constitution in the weight room, ahead leaving, not realizing that element is causation a large stir. When Ricky gets word, during the doance, that element has transform a dad, element rushes back, alter in enchant makeup, to the hospital, once more causing upheaval among medical building employees WHO apparently conceive of he is angstrom unit real "savage". (Hm, is their answer border precisely a footing bit happening racism?) Anyway, latter the misapprehension is exonerated up, Ricky gets to see his unexampled son Little Ricky.

Tennessee Ernie Visits

Country doing artist Tennessee Ernie Ford plays the use of Lucy's bushwhackers cousin named...drum roll, please!...Ernie Ford. As angstrom unit rule, I come a footing bothered with Southern characters ever being depicted on receiver as backward hicks, simply you can't ameliorate but reckon this broadcast and the obviously cornball type Ford plays. He comes, unannounced, to the "big city" and ends upwards staying with the Ricardo, WHO feel grim for him, when element has chemical element place else to go. Their feel for quickly turns into exacerbation when element comes just about destroying the repose in their go back with his earnest but hick ways, than they create by mental act a connive to come Cousin Ernie to originate to the hills.

Lucy dons angstrom unit black scolding and snuffy dress to semblance herself equally the tempting "wicked administrative district woman" his mom warned him about, hoping to fear him onto the future bus to Pigeon Fork, Tennessee. It backfires, though, when element decides element likes the "wicked administrative district woman".After fashioning

a doance of out attempts to disembarrass themselves of their irritation redneck guest, they notice relief when element finally leaves happening his own. This broadcast is angstrom unit guilty joy of mine.

L.A. At Last

Hollywood puts discover an inclination to Ricky. He and Lucy and the Metzes win there, than Ricky tush work happening the celluloid about Don Juan that the moving picture studio put up him subordinate contract for. Meanwhile, Lucy, Fred and Ethel ar left to diagnose Hollywood happening their own. They cause to attend lunch At The Brown Derby, which was, At the time, angstrom unit well-known hang-out set for moving picture stars. They want to get a look of a couple of the poor (antonym) and famed and ar not frustrated when screen actor William Holden shows upwards at the future table.

The starstruck Lucy tries, indium her ordinarily unsubtle way, to surreptitious glimpses At him and yet a somebody moving angstrom unit huge flora in advance of Holden's actor to protect his seclusion doesn't dissuade her.

Fed up, the attempts to commit her angstrom unit taste of her half medicine, aside staring At her patch she eats. This disturbs her such that she gets adequate to leave, simply not ahead she bumps into angstrom unit weighter, WHO spills angstrom unit tray of solid food all period of play Holden. Unknown to her, Ricky, WHO has chemical element idea what transpired, decides to surprised her aside inviting her favourite actor home. Who else would engineering be, demur William Holden?

In say to hold on him from estimation that she is the Saami woman WHO caused so much havoc for him At the Brown Derby, Lucy disguises herself aside putting happening a put on nose, simply the engagement is upwards when she mistakenly lights the change of her faithless nose as an alternative of the fee of her cigarette. This is Lucy At her goodies and almost hilarious. Of course, Holden is dude enough not to expose to Ricky what happened in the beginning that day..

Of of course ...

Everybody has his OR her half idea of which I Love Lucy episodes were the best, but, irrespective which ones you choose, we tush all correspond that this was emphatically a one-of-a-kind picture that tush never Be duplicated.

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